Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The wild world of the Wizard Of Gore, part 2; new this week at the buffet…

As mentioned in the previous post, there were two reviews that were meant to be included in our look at the eye popping films of Herschell Gordon Lewis, This Stuff'll Kill Ya! (as seen on the buffet menu last week and soon to be seen in the new issue of c14, due back from the printer on or around July 17th) that didn't quite fit. Not even in the teeny weeny small type; the one I hardly ever use anymore since ANTiSEEN's Joe Young told me he can't read it even when he's wearing his contacts.

Despite this layout impaired snafu, we at the BMB hate to let hot, fresh, tasty content go to waste, so we've elected to offer these "bonus" reviews of The Gruesome Twosome and Something Weird as our Fourth Of July menu. Plus, in our humble opinion, nothing salutes the birth of our nation like a couple of independent films featuring talking wigheads and killer bed sheets. Enjoy!

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