Sunday, February 12, 2006

Obligatory introductory post; or, what I did during the nor'easter...

Hello and welcome to the newly established B-Movie Buffet Blog.

I didn't really plan to start a blog yesterday, I just kind of wanted to poke around and see what starting a blog on this site would entail. Because I'm used to dealing with things like yahoo groups, I anticipated it would be difficult to set up and difficult to navigate once I had it set up; at the very least, I expected to have to call Dante aka The Hungover Gourmet for help. But, lo and behold, I filled in some data, chose this cute dotty template that kinda sorta matches the design of our website (natch!) and voila - the BMB has a blog!

Right now I plan to use this space to post information on site updates and such. (Since the site updates once a week, I'll have something to post here at least once a week.) I believe I have successfully signed the Kommandant up to be able to post to this thing as well & I'm sure he has his own plans to make use of this newfangled technology, although he has not shared these plans with me yet. He's been busy today borrowing tools from our neighbor, and our neighbor himself, to help deal with the 12"+ of snow in our driveway and the giant section of tree that fell on the lawn during the storm last night. (Today's tool tally: one snow blower and one chainsaw. Just for the record, we do have our own salt, ice scraper & shovel. Thanks Andy!) So, we'll see what happens. Right now I'm gonna go see what happens if I try to use my html "skills" to post an image to the sidebar.

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