Yes, we are back; and, thanks our blissful beach front vacation, we are refreshed, relaxed and tanner than ever! At least I am. (Although, in reality, tan for me is still pretty pale for the rest of the world.) The Kommandant doesn't so much tan as he just gets swarthier.
Anywhoo, as promised in our last posting, new to the buffet this week is the eighth entry in our
2006: The Year Of The 13ths series,
Friday The 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan, plus a crazy Canadian rock 'n' roll nightmare,
Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare.
Also new to the menu this week, and new to the site in general, is the debut of our newest column,
Manor On Movies. (Which isn't actually new at all; it's been running in
Exploitation Retrospect and some other publications that have no link to me, for years. It is, however, new to this site.) In the BMB's premiere installment of this beloved long-running column,
Stately Wayne Manor takes it
To The Limit with none other than Anna Nicole Smith.